Fant dette fine,gamle trekorset på et bruktmarked for en stund siden... så nå henger det på veggen på kontor/gjesterom. Har forresten flytta sovesofaen inn hit, og fordi jeg er ganske lei av den,har jeg lagt over et stoffstykke for å fornye den litt. Ikke så mye som skal til...
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SvarSlettSure, there are the expected first-issue flaws: Lee's costume would be a design nightmare were it not for Lopez and Blanco making it look good at least half the rolex replica time; and David decides to signal that one character has a British accent by having him use the word "bloody" in virtually every other sentence, which replica chanel is a slightly clumsy way of doing it. But Lee herself is a captivating enough character, and we're caught up enough by the events of this story, that the final panel has just the right amount of shock value, more than enough rolex replica to bring readers back for issue number two. And for a first issue, isn't that really the main goal? If so, then FALLEN ANGEL achieves that goal admirably.